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EastWest - Free Music Education

CC+ EDU Composer

A FREE tutorial series that teaches you how to produce music using our instruments. We'll take you through every step of the music production process in super granular detail, starting with the fundamentals of working with virtual instruments to orchestral composition and MIDI programming.

EW Academy Series Thumbnails

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Another FREE tutorial series that teaches you how to score movie scenes complete with sound design and dialogue using all of the instruments on our OPUS platform. Scenes include epic action, supernatural thriller, emotional drama, video game soundtrack and nature documentary.

EW Scoring With Opus Thumbnails

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Trailers And Walkthroughs

Dive into all things EastWest and learn more about individual products like the new Hollywood Strings 2, Hollywood Fantasy Orchestra, Forbidden Planet, and Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition. Our products cover every music genre – from orchestral soundtracks to rock, pop, hip hop and EDM tracks.

EW Trailers and Walkthroughs Thumbnails

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CC+ EDU Composer

What Will You Create?

With an EastWest ComposerCloud+ EDU subscription in your arsenal, you'll have every instrument you'll ever need for every music genre. And with our FREE educational courses like EastWest Academy and Scoring with Opus, you'll be able to follow along every step of the way on your music journey. You don't need to spend a fortune on an expensive university, you can get started today for just $9.99/month

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